





























Teaching Implementation for International Students 

during the Postponement of Re-Opening of School 2020 Spring Semester

According to “The Announcement (No. 5) of the Wuhan University Command for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control”, “The Guidance on Postgraduate Students Education in the Second Semester of Academic Year 2019-2020” by Graduate School of Wuhan University, and “The Guidance on Teaching in the Second Semester of the 2019-2020 Academic Year” by the Undergraduate College of Wuhan University, the measures below are formulated to implement the "No Suspension of Teaching or Studying" initiative by the Ministry of Education and to avoid compromise in teaching requirements and standards of Wuhan Universityduringthe postponement.


This is to fully implement the instructions and requirements of international student management authority and Wuhan University on the prevention and control of the epidemic; follow the rules and characteristics of international student education; practically but creatively carry out the management of teaching for international students; maintain the order of education and teaching; reduce the academic impact of the delayed opening of school due to the epidemic on international students; maintain teaching quality and education standard.

According to “The Measures for the Recruitment and Education of International Students of Wuhan University”, School of International Education is responsible for coordinating the teaching, management and support for international students, whereas all academic departments and schools shall work to provide good daily teaching and academic support for international students in compliance of the division of responsibilities with the objective of management convergence with Chinese students.


1.Registration. International students’ registration shall proceed in two steps:

Step 1: International students register online by e-mail with SIE. The registration data of international students shall be forwarded to relevant functional departments and schools on February 16.

Step 2: Students return to school for registration in accordance with the time and procedure of future notice.

2.Student StatusManagement

International students may apply for transfer, suspension, withdrawal etc. providing application and related material scans by email. SIE shall process coordinating with relevant departments and schools as guided by related regulations.

3.International Students (Undergraduates) Teaching Arrangements

In accordance with the "Measures for the Implementation of Undergraduate Teaching During the Postponement of Spring Semester of Academic Year 2019-2020", all schools (departments) will conduct online teaching for international students (undergraduates) from February 17, 2020 until the official re-opening (specific time to be determined).

All general education compulsories, electives, Chinese language major compulsory and elective courses offered by SIE will also be delivered online in accordance with the above document.

4.International Students (Post-Graduates)Teaching Arrangements

Each school shall arrange international students’ teaching, internship, research training and graduation thesis, etc. in accordance with the requirements of “The Implementation Plan for Postgraduate Training during the Extension of the Second Semester of the 2019-2020 Academic Year”.

5.InternationalStudents (Non-Degree) Teaching Arrangements

1) Exchange students from partner universities can select courses offered in schools (departments) with SIE’s coordination under the guidance ofundergraduate/graduate students’ teaching implementation measures of the university.

2) Referring to the measures of teaching arrangement of the Undergraduate College, SIE shall arrange online teaching for international students (Chinese language students and future degree students now on preparatory Chinese study) from February 17, 2020 until the official opening of the school (specific time to be determined).

6.International students should act as required in the “Notice about registration and teaching arrangement during postponement of 2020 Spring Semester”, be self-disciplined, attend classes on time, make full use of the teaching and scientific resources provided by teachers, tutors, etc., actively work with teachers and supervisors through remote interaction and communication, and complete all assignments and study or research tasks on time.


1.Under the current special circumstance, all schools (departments) shall follow the instructions of Graduate School and Undergraduate College, and take the initiative in providing teaching and support for international students, including English-taught programs, with uncompromised quality. The person in charge of teaching affairs in each school (departments) should take the responsibility to coordinate and organize.

2.For international students who do have difficulties and cannot participate in online study, schools (departments) should work creatively to carry out precise academic assistance and guidance.

3.Teaching-related mattersnotcovered during the postponement please contact SIE staff below:

Email: sie_jxb@whu.edu.cn

Tele: Mr.Wu Youmin 13971362209

Ms.Wu Yulan 13476280439(teaching affairs)

Ms.Zhou Ling 15071176166(registration and student status)

School of International Education

February 8, 2020

发布单位: 国际教育学院

发布日期: 2020-02-09